R.I.P Aaron-Carl

RIP Aaron-Carl - Ain't no sunshine when you're gone! "In 2006 Aaron-Carl came on one of his numerous visits to Iceland. He was doing his thing. His singing was outstanding, as usual. We hung out and we drank. He didn't really drink but we drank. Two days after, as he usually stayed for some days, we met at the Klink&Bank studios in Reykjavik to help Linda, the first lady, to make voice over for a video she was doing. It was a laugh. It was so much him, "The Lovebug". The same day we did "Hateful" along with our friend Vidar Hakon Gislason from Trabant...which Gusgus later covered on 24/7. May you rest in peace my friend. I will remember you for the rest of my life!" Your friend, President Bongo (GusGus)

October 1st 2010

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