Record Store Day 2012 at Kompakt

On April 21st it's Record Store Day, and besides our usual propensity for free beer (yes... free KÖLSCH for every customer!) we offer a discount of 15% on all vinyl (except cheapos) for those dropping by at our store on Saturday. But there's even more: we will release an exclusive 12" on Record Store Day which will be available only in the Kompakt store from 21st til 27th of April. Mind you we're talking our real store here... it's only after next week that you will be able to purchase this very special record at our web shop. In case you're still sitting on the fence we will stream a snippet of Kompakt's RSD release starting Friday 20th... so you can check it out before you pry yourself loose from your computer screen and drag your supposedly broke, vinylist butt over here. Get the real us, not at Facebook! Speaking of which: there's a Facebook page for Germany's Record Store Day that needs some loving too...

April 19th 2012

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