Album artwork for 24/7

24/7 GusGus



Release date: September 14, 2009
Cat No: Kompakt 197
Barcode: 880319040818
Kompakt 197
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Includes high-quality Mp3 download
12,80 €
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  • release
Includes high-quality Mp3 download
You could compare GusGus´s 6th studio album with a whale. An animal that spends most of it´s time under the surface, but when it comes up above sea-level, it usually surfaces with a magnificent speciality - much like the latest GusGus creation. Therefore, you should not glean over this work; every moment of it is laid out with painstaking and elaborate candour. 24/7 is a wet dream The spine of the music is original, created in the “intestines” of GusGus. “On the Job” is the working man´s phrenetic song to the unbroken animal called love. The opus “Thin Ice´” describes the bloated donkey dancing on ice. And in “Add This Song” the listener is encouraged to add that particular song to his collection. The GusGus analogue sound environment has never been better, and Daniel Agust´s vocals take the reigns again and thus opens the group's variability to new heights. As on previous occasions GusGus performs a song written by Jimi Tenor, the fantastic “Take me Baby” where Jimi Tenor is a guest singer. “Hateful” is a pretty family-type song that GusGus and Aaron-Carl composed together while being on different sides of the Atlantic.

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