Album artwork for Acid Sampler 1.5

Acid Sampler 1.5 Space Dimension Controller

Cat No: rbacidep1.5
Barcode: 4250101467646
12,80 €
  • 65a9291b2495b
  • release
The follow-up to the first Acid Sampler is now in the hands of a single artist. Space Dimension Controller does Running Back the honor to leave his fingerprints on the (usually) silver box - and it’s a match made in heaven. The Irish man’s music is mostly a nod to the subtle and more delicate ramifications of electronic music. His Acid Sampler is no exception. Most of the EP presents itself as an ode to the brain dance vibe of acid house rooted music. While leaving out the harder and faster styles of the genre, SDC manages to pour his heart and soul as a producer into these four charming tracks.

Kosmische Conga works as the leader of the pack and pirouettes with memorable hooks, synthesizer swells and descant acid lines. Echopet introverts the whole concept, while Minehead peaks with it. Named after the seaside town that harbored the Bloc Weekend festival, its a warp-free romantic reflex of the brain dance vibe – or a heartfelt love song for circuits. Carinacid completes the quartet with a chugging and hugging mid tempo beat that could have gone on forever. Acid test passed! Artwork by Gasius.

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