Album artwork for Atlantis

Atlantis Om Unit


Om Unit

Barcode: 4250101456176
17,90 €
  • 6414886b9db5e
  • release
"Four tracks of forward-thinking club music featuring his signature sound, taking in elements of Acid, Broken Beats, UK Techno and Dubbed out atmospheres. Melodies, hooks and basslines are plentiful on this one and the sights are set firmly on the dancefloor with most tracks landing around the 130-140bpm region.

'Atlantis' is yet another step forward in the evolution of a well-decorated but never stagnant artist who is ever-keen on exploring new possibilities.

The euphoria of the A-side is balanced out on the flip with two deeper cuts. Speed Meditation delivers a zoned-out atmosphere over a bouncy percussive groove, while poking fun at the West’s adoption of spiritual practices to deal with the stress of modern living. Touched By Silence rounds off the EP, as Jimi channels his inner dancing Thom Yorke for an urban hymnal complete with a haunted falsetto, on top of a driving beat inspired by the ghost town that was Zurich during the pandemic.

Free Bird is an EP only Jimi Jules could make, operating at the height of his powers after over two decades of making people dance all over the world, where he rips up his own rule book and gets creative on four tracks packed with personality and character."

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