The enigmatic Welsh producer, Koreless, releases ‘Deceltica’ via Young. Marking his first solo project in over two years, the four-track EP includes previously released track ‘Seven’ (“a glacial, glitchy two-step banger” – The Observer), a vibrant remix by fellow Welsh producer and friend Jorg Kuning, an extended version of ‘Seven (Drumhell)’, which first appeared on HAAi's DJ-Kicks compilation, and title track ‘Deceltica’, blending acid and ambient techno to form his most explicitly rhythmic release so far.
After pouring everything into the intricate creation of his critically acclaimed debut album ‘Agor’, Koreless retreated from the chaos of London to the tranquil countryside of his birthplace, Wales. This move sparked a newfound sense of freedom and inspiration. Embracing this fresh perspective, Koreless began experimenting with new chords, beats, and instruments, leading to the creation of Deceltica, receiving support from Four Tet, Batu, Benji B, Courtesy, HAAi, 2manydjs, and Daphni.
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