Album artwork for Fusion EP 01/03

Fusion EP 01/03 Len Faki



Cat No: figure x34
Barcode: 4250101453953
figure x34
12,80 €
  • 63ce9ec67de71
  • release
Announcing the release of Len Faki’s extended debut album, Figure x34 is the first in a series of special EPs that give a glimpse into the body of work which the label head has put together as Fusion over the course of the last two years. Using the double album format, Faki finally found himself free to explore the whole breadth of electronic club culture, inspired by decades worth of his own experiences as a DJ and clubgoer.

Don’t be Stupid Day, centered around the namesake vocal, is a slow-burning, deep techno roller, while Hymn (In The Name of Fantasy) contrasts a dreamy, wisp-like melody with heavy punches of broken up bass. Both cleverly represent the wide variety of sounds found on the more ambient and house-leaning disc 2 of the album. Disc 1 is a contemporary take on the techno that has defined Faki’s life and career since the 90s. Hymn (In The Name Of Freedom) borrows on the trancey lead synths and booming bass from those early days, making for an unusually euphoric and uplifting Faki track. Finally, Tempel aligns with his reputation as a DJ, steadily layering mechanic percussion for an ever-increasing sense of rhythmic urgency.

A bold introductory statement, Figure x34 already gives an exciting taster of what is to be expected on the full double LP Fusion coming later this year. Watch out for two more special EPs (x35 / x37) to be released ahead of the final album drop!

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