Album artwork for Hundred Million Love Years

Hundred Million Love Years Kaito



Release date: September 25, 2006
Cat No: Kompakt 143
Barcode: 880319026416
Kompakt 143
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Includes high-quality Mp3 download
Includes high-quality Mp3 download
Here comes KOMPAKT with the perfect antidote to bring us out of this year's intense mid-summer into the tranquil cooling of the autumn season. As previously accomplished with his previous full lengths “SPECIAL LIFE” and “SPECIAL LOVE”, HI ROSHI WATANABE aka KAITO now presents “HUNDRED MILLION LOVE YEARS” - the beat-less accompaniment to go alongside his acclaimed full length “HUNDRED MILLION LIGHT YEARS” . “ HUNDRED MILLION LOVE YEARS” is a landmark addition to KOMPAKT's cherished Pop Ambient utopia. Another dimension to his music is unveiled with the removal of percussion - his songs expand and bring the cerebral euphoria that he celebrates in his music to a dramatically different context from his renown beat-laden output, however equally as satisfying. From “ NOBODY COULD BE ALONE"'s oscillating oceanic wash that gently mingles with your tangerine dreams, the strobe lit vibrations of “THE UNIVERSE” that impregnates your soul with joy, and the out of orbit rhythmic arpeggiations of the album climax “ SOUL OF HEART”, KAITO is here to take you on a mystical journey of orchestral waves - a consellation of flawlessly crafted minimalism in it's truest form.
Bei 40 Grad im Schatten sollte es ein Leichtes sein die vorliegende Platte ins rechte (Sonnen)licht zu setzen. Denn da vor allem gehört sie hin. An die sonnendurchfluteten Partystrände der entrückten Glücksseeligkeit. Das vorliegende Album ist bereits die neunte Veröffentlichung des Japaners Hiroshi Watanabe als KAITO auf KOMPAKT. Über die Jahre hat der notorische Glücksspender seinen unverwechselbaren Happy-Techno Stil immer weiter verdichtet. Wie schon bei “Special Love” , welches eine beatfreie ambient-Bonusversion des Vorgängeralbums “Special Life” war, ist auch “ Hundred Million Love Years” das entsprechende Pendant zu “ Hundred Million Light Years” . Das funkensprühende Melodie- und Harmonie Feuerwerk hat es auch diesmal unverzichtbar gemacht, eine beatfreie Extratour zu drehen . Gute Reise.

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