Album artwork for perfect like you, woolloomooloo

perfect like you, woolloomooloo ricoshëi, dave dk



Cat No: pampa020
Barcode: 4250101453717
10,20 €
  • 63c1603911413
  • release
Our first release of 2014 is a split 12" featuring a newcomer act and a veteran name, both new to the Pampa circle, and both of whom manage to adhere to our sound while at the same time widening it. Ricoshëi is Nikko Gibler and Jake Patrick, based out of Hitland Studios in Los Angeles. "Perfect Like You" is one more pop-tinged numbers to appear on our label, with breathy vocals yearning for the next best thing, sublimated by the ambient tendencies glowing in the track's atmosphere. For all their rampant, nerdy analog fetishization, the duo still knows that emotion-not fancy gear-is the key to connecting with listeners. Hardcore Pampa followers might recognize this one, as DJ Koze previewed it late last year in his XLR8R podcast, and now you, too, have the opportunity to snuggle up with your very own copy. This is the kind of song that makes you want to close your eyes, not to sleep, but to abandon perception to your ears alone - fuelling your heart's imagination. The flipside is a new cut from Berlin-based DJ/producer Dave DK, short for his real name, David Krasemann, which sounds a bit like "crazy man". And those already familiar with his work know he's got a bit of that madness-bordering-on-genius thing going on. OK, maybe that's an overstatement, but "Woolloomooloo" speaks for itself. Just have a listen and submerge yourself into this majestic cyborg aquarium of a track, and within moments you'll feel the hypnotic, euphoric, nostalgic and anti-ageing qualities. Side effects may include dizziness. (But probably only if you are standing on the vinyl while it's spinning.) The collage of elements found throughout ‘Landmark’, expresses a number of different vantage points from which to gaze and focus your attention. From the more storied and instrumental-based ‘Reprise’ and ‘Range’, to the wide-scape visions of ‘Summiteer’, or the off-world portrayals in ‘Stereo A’ and ‘Stereo B’. Max can be found depicting a montage of intricately detailed moments that invite you to stand and ponder their storied creation, be it emerging from found sound, synthesizers, guitars, samples, or simply his own production sorcery.

Landmark will be available on Gatefold 2LP Gold vinyl and digital, mastered by Rafael Anton Iirsarri and featuring original photography by Max Würden, artwork edited by Noah M / Keep Adding. There will also be special limited edition framed paintings (10 unique versions), created by Max, available on release day. Sa Pa's work presents a fresh sonic reinterpretation of urban landscapes, skylines and modern environments, procuring from its source material a whole new kaleidoscopic world of its own. The record consists of two mixes - 'Studio' and 'Live' - which demonstrate a deep explorational study of our everyday surroundings, plunging the listener into a realm of heightened sense experience and microscopic detail. Where the 'Studio' mix embodies the precision and management of the studio workspace and is more ambient in nature, such intricacies are exchanged for a larger, livelier sound stage and alternative sonic material in the 'Live' mix.

A nebulous ocean of shifting spaces and effervescent textures, Sa Pa augments and modulates field recordings into a fluid and ever-evolving narrative. Seen through a viewfinder of deep and immersive observation, new transients, momentary artefacts and poetry in motion begin to reveal itself. In a world caught in momentary stasis, Atmospheric Fragments is a forensic inquiry into our perceptive environment, with its augmented lens placing us on the cusp of the ungraspable.

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