Album artwork for Pet

Pet James K



Release date: April 15, 2016
Cat No: Dial LP 035
Barcode: 880319747113
Dial LP 035
19,90 €
  • 56d5a65ecbe4c
  • release
- Debut Album by James K - AKA Jamie Krasner !!! - collaboration between Dial, She Rocks, 1080P - most exciting and unique release!! - international press promotion

James K is a stranger to obviousness. Over the past few years the New York native has quietly honed her sound and peculiar aesthetic. Equally organic and electronic, her sound is a combination of odd dreams, industrial beats and vocals, both incomprehensible and appealing, with a thick layer of glitter on top of it. James K is a concentrated dose of emotion mixed with sorrowful iciness, which in turn ties together ripped, broken, morphed and enchanted samples. James K stands for a fusion of visual and sonic elements, deeply rooted in conscious art practice and downright freak-out. James K creates a mythology of her own. ‘PET,’ her first LP due out in early 2016, will be a co-release with Dial and her own label, She Rocks! In James K’s words: ‘The underlying desire of “PET” divides into two parts: an escape into ethereality and a mischievous denial of my own experience. It narrates my search for honest expression by means of the premature denial- a childish excursion into a world of monstrosity and innocence. PET reflects my mental state during its production - as a person, I was owned, objectified and hurt by other, and that wound I then unwillingly internalized. I turned to my music as a way to dissect these thoughts. The product became my possession, or “pet.” In retrospective, this process gives me strength over myself; love—knowledge and wisdom enacted. The arrangement of the music and the PET itself relates to my endless struggle, namely, my attempts to reclaim myself.’ Her ‘Sokit’ 7” is a double track single for her album, which she released last Spring. James K is featured on the recent compilation released by Dial Records for their 15-year anniversary, and a mini LP of her noise pop project SETH (along with producer Gobby), was also recently released by label 1080p in June, in cassette and digital form. She rocks.
Für James K ist das Offensichtliche fremd. In den vergangenen Jahren hat die gebürtige New Yorkerin in aller Ruhe ihren Sound sowie ihre eigentümliche Ästhetik verfeinert. Auf ebenso organische wie elektronische Weise verbindet ihre Musik seltsame Träume, industrielle Rhythmen und eine faszinierend unverständliche Stimme, abgerundet mit einer dicken Schicht Glitzer. James K ist eine konzentrierte Dosis Emotion gemischt mit trauriger Kälte, durch die wiederum zerrissene, zerbrochene, gemorphte und verzauberte Samples verbunden werden. James K steht für eine Verschmelzung visueller und klanglicher Elemente, die in einer durchdachten Kunstpraxis und einem veritablen Freak-Out wurzelt. James K kreiert ihre eigene Mythologie. ‚PET‘, ihr Anfang 2016 erschienenes, erstes Album, wird von Dial und ihrem eigenen Label She Rocks! herausgebracht. Eine Sonderedition des Albums mit Bonustracks und Zwischenstücken wird vom kanadischen Label 1080p auf Kassette veröffentlicht.

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