Album artwork for Remix EP Vol.1

Remix EP Vol.1 Mikkel Metal



Release date: June 10, 2003
Cat No: Echocord 005
Barcode: 880319349911
Echocord 005
Sold Out
Echocord presents the first remix ep. 3 remixes of Mikkel Metal. A1 is a remix by Jan Jelinek. An upbuilding floating minimal mix by the very succesfull producer also known as Farben and Gramm. He is known from labels as Scape and Klang. B1 is remixed by Dubtractor from Copenhagen. Dubtractor is a part of the group System, released on Scape and Future 3 released on April. He has just released an album on CCO. B2 is a remix by Lowfour also known as Andreas Tilliander. Lowfour also did the "Ian Ep" "Echocord03". He has released records on Mille Plateaux and Force Tracks + many more.
Erlesene Remixe von Jan Jelinek, A. Tilliander aka Lowfour und Dubtractor. Sehr deep geknisterdubbed.

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