Launched in 2015, Hunter/Game’s flourishing Just This imprint has fast become a hub for quality and consistent material across the techno and house landscapes, with the duo’s carefully curated and A&R’ing approach aiming to showcase and highlight emotive and dynamic productions from artists across the globe. Having recently released music from the likes of rising talent such as Abstrakt and Drown, with remixes from Marcel Fengler, Locked Groove, and Radio Slave to name just a few, the duo now welcome Ryan Davis, following material on the likes of Watergate, Erased Tapes and LNOE, and Alex Banks, known for his releases on Monkeytown and Mesh, as the pair deliver their ‘Sum’ EP this November. Opening track ‘Sequence’ sees the pairing combine to offer up the package’s sole collaborative cut, engaging bright synths amongst crisp breakbeat drum arrangements and swirling low-end tones to reveal twisting and driving journey. Next, the moving ‘Nightfall’ sees Davis take the helm as he combines slow blooming melodies and rich keys to great effect, before Banks offers up his interpretation, introducing hazy pads alongside engaging dubbed out drum arrangements placed deep within the mix. Last up, the ‘Dawn Version’ of ‘Nightfall’ closes proceedings, revealing further slick drum patterns and airy pads carefully balanced against deep, rich atmospheres.
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