Album artwork for This Stolen Country Of Mine

This Stolen Country Of Mine Alva Noto



Cat No: N-059-2
Barcode: 4250101459917
27,90 €
  • 6488856e4b47c
  • release
Alva Noto’s award winning score for the 2022 German documentary film ‘This Stolen Country of Mine’ directed by German filmmaker Marc Wiese features nineteen compositions to be released on NOTON in April 2023.

The documentary film explores the question of a state's sovereignty in the face of foreign powers. The film portrays Ecuadorian resistance fighters and journalists who oppose the sell-off of an extensive part of the country's resources to Chinese investors.

Alva Noto's music subtly accompanies the struggle of a mountain village, immersing us into the film’s narrative and pathos. Across nineteen compositions, the music exposes and holds back when the images and statements of the protagonists speak for themselves, reflecting the dark shadows and the glares of hope of communal resistance.

The documentary was the recipient of the German Documentary Film Music Award 2022.

Focus track #19

'Ritual Reprise' is the closing composition of Alva Noto's award-winning score for the 2022 German documentary film 'This Stolen Country of Mine.' The piece merges minimal digital textures with emotional resonances, taking the listener to a sonic path filled with a serene tenor. The tone is set on the slow-burn haze of gloaming ambient-electronica scapes, compounding under a unified cinematic soundscape of warm digital ambiances and liquified electronics.

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