Hard at work readying his first Kompakt outing under his proper name in more than a decade, Sascha Funke is a well-known purveyor of allusive, pop-infused minimalism: a knack for stylish and hypnotic techno informs the Berlin native's musical output, successfully combining the straightforward and the uncanny, without overloading the arrangement. The same can be said about Sascha's DJ skills where he favors a lean transition technique, gradually building the intensifying narrative one track at a time. It certainly all sounds fine and dandy - until you suddenly realize that some rather twisted things are going on. Cheerfully chatting, we stroll down the rabbit hole, unaware of the mounting ambiguities that will be the downfall of our sobriety. A prime example for Sascha's lock 'n' load techno romanticism can be found with a rare and exclusive podcast put together for Deep House Amsterdam - check it out here. His upcoming EP for Kompakt "Zug Um Zug" can be previewed here - pre-order now and net a 10% discount on the retail price!